Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

It's a double-the-pleasure, double-the-fun (Doublemint gum) double-post day!

But before I tell you all the deets (other than the first word tonight, of course!), just scroll through the pictures here and tell me which one is not like the others...

Is it wrong that she's so darn cute when she's in meltdown mode???

Even with slobber dripping down her chin???

I mean, look at that face. Don't you just wanna gobble it up (well, maybe after you wipe it down a bit)?

I couldn't blame the poor girl for reaching the end of her tolerance rope. She had a great day of playing, napping, visiting her Godmother at work, lunching with the girls, and going on a be-a-u-tiful walk with Mama around the neighborhood (hence, the toothy-grin-in-the-Bjorn pic).

That's lots of fun to get through before collapsing!

I have to say, we had the best time on our walk. It was the second day in a row we were able to take a stroll in the unseasonably warm weather. But this time, we walked around the neighborhood right as the elementary school was letting out.

We got a greeting from the oh-so-happy crossing guard, we passed dogs and moms and kids and dads, and waved so many times our arms got tired.

And then Mama had a vision of about five years from now when she'll be sending her beloved, attached-at-the-hip firstborn off to school, and she had an emotional breakdown and looked identical to the pic above.

But with a lot more drool.

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