Monday, January 14, 2013

Kiddo Quirks

My kid is crazy.

This is no surprise, given her parentage.

But at least her brand of crazy is totally and completely endearing. So for kicks and giggles, I'll share a few specifics with you (as of the six-ish month mark):

1. Best Flex
Just as soon as I remove her dirty diaper, but before I can get a new one on, she flexes her legs and holds them in that position until I forcibly bend them, typically by tickling behind her knee-caps. She usually holds her flex the longest during the first diaper change of the day.

2. Koala Baby
Often, also during the diaper changing process, she wraps her arms around my elbow, smiles (and sometimes gnaws), until I pretend to shake her off while she holds on tight. Typically, during this charade, I laugh and yell something like "Oh no! You've got me! It's koala baby!" Much to her continued amusement.

3. Paci Pop
This one's a new development, as she's started to engage her teeth. It involves tugging her paci out of her mouth whilst bearing down on her bottom teeth. The move makes a little pop! noise, and she usually repeats it a few times in quick succession.

4. Spa Lounge
Although she got a sit-up bathtub device for Christmas, she continues to prefer what my hubby calls her "spa baths." She reclines with one leg lopped over into the water while she sucks water out of a washcloth (sanitary, yes I know). I'm assuming she also imagines someone fanning her whilst feeding her juicy, red grapes (or perhaps just mushy sweet potatoes).

5. Call Of The Wild
When she decides to be vocal for a stretch, she starts with high squeals to engage her upper register, then progresses to something I can only describe as a croak-groan-scream. It involves opening her mouth wide, letting loose with the sound as her throat vibrates until she runs out of breath. Pleasant, let me tell ya. Especially when she does it while we're out running errands.

6. Up Close and Personal
This one is perhaps my favorite--and not just because I was kinda sorta the one who instigated it. It involves her standing up in my lap so she's eye level, then pretending to eat my nose (again, sanitary, I know). The highlight, however, is when she stops trying to eat my nose and just stands there staring at me with our faces smooshed together. She totally digs looking at something that close. So if you've never stared an infant down, nose-to-nose, drop everything you're doing right now and locate the nearest child. I guarantee there's nothing better than gazing back into those dancing eyes. It's the best. thing. ever.

Happy Monday, peeps.

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