Tuesday, January 22, 2013


First, before my little tidbit for tonight, let me just answer the question you might be asking:

Yep. Sure did change the design on this here blog today.

I finally admitted to myself this little nugget on the World Wide Web is probably here to stay.

So a little organization will go a long way.

(Should I keep rhyming everything I say?)

(I'll stop. I promise.)

It might take a few days to reorganize the previous posts by the new nifty tabs, so bear with me until then. In the meantime, distract yourself with the new little gadgets over there on the right side of the page, including: a new family pic, a follow-this-blog tool, a search navigation bar, and some thumbnails of popular posts. (Side note: shout-out to Nikki for the motivation to do all this!)

And now, back to our regularly-scheduled randomness:

Lately, I've been noticing the frequent appearance of a freaking adorable little nose crinkle Baby Girl rocks when she really gets to smiling. I first noticed it a few months back, around the time of this pic:

As her personality evolves, I see it more and more:

And something about seeing that cute-as-a-button, I-want-to-eat-it-up-face, got me thinking I'd seen it somewhere before.

On me. Hehe.

This picture hangs above the piano in my mom's house, so I had a prime view of it week after week (after week after week after week), as I dredged my way through lessons I was somehow never prepared for (strange, huh?):

So really, when I'm calling my daughter cute as a button and so adorable I wanna gobble her up, I'm really talking about moi. 

Narcissistic little bugger, aren't I?

Does this mean that someday, in the not-to-distant future, Baby Girl's going to be look at herself in the mirror with terror in her gut as she realizes--gasp--I'm turning into my mother!?

Don't answer that.


  1. Both Mom and baby girl are adorable! Love the fancy family pic too.

    1. Aww...thanks.

      In other news: my head will soon be too large to fit through door frames.

