Tuesday, February 19, 2013


This is Baby Girl's serious face, because we're talking about something serious tonight:


That's right. The cute (but oh-so-serious) chica you see above has started grinding her teeth!

Apparently the stress of her life is just too much.

Boy, do the demands start early these days.


In all seriousness, it's totally freaked me out a few times because it's the most gosh-awful sound--like she's grating her little chompers down to nubbins (and they're sort of nubbins to begin with, so she needs ever micro-millimeter!). And I've even caught her doing it in her sleep!

But I'm less concerned after a round of googling, during which I learned that this grinding is called bruxism, and is quite common for cuties her age. As in, one out of every three kids common.

Apparently the grinding helps to relieve pressure--especially when those top two teeth come in (as they're currently doing), and it's only a concern if they continue grinding into toddler-hood, as they could very well wear down those precious, teeny, pearly whites.

So for now, I'll try not to worry, and try not to stop her from doing it when I catch her (as hard as it may be!), because I'm all for anything that gives her some relief.

Okay, I'll end with a happy picture now:

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