Saturday, February 16, 2013

Snuggle Bunny

The hubby has this awesome new magic trick.

During Baby Girl's witching hour (from around 5:30-6:30 p.m., before bath time) he parks her cute little tushy in his lap and does this never-ending leg shaking thing that she hates at first, but then luuuuvs so much that it puts her in a trance.

It's the best thing ever when we need to make it through a meal.

And tonight, he busted out the move so we could finish our dinner out, and wouldn't you know it--the adorable little stinker CLOSED her EYES.

Now, this wouldn't be all that surprising--I mean, she is a baby after all, and babies tend to sleep.

But she's not just any baby, she's my baby. And she NEVER falls asleep when we're out.

And I mean NEVER.

So this occurrence is pretty much a miracle (even if she only kept her eyes closed for about four minutes before waking up and saying: Wait a second, I didn't mean to do that!; Whadd'I miss???):

Which means we need to take a closer look, for posterity's sake:

Isn't she just the cutest little snuggle bunny ever, with her hand up there by her head like that???

I love her.

Have I mentioned that?

(What? Only two hundred GAZZILION times, you say? Oh well, I'll say it again. I. love. my. daughter.)

She's the best little snuggle bunny.

And sometimes, I mean that literally:

Happy Weekend, everybody!

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