Monday, February 11, 2013

Sweets With My Little Sweet

Today, Baby Girl helped with a time-honored tradition in my family: baking sugar cookies.

But not just any sugar cookies.

My paternal grandmother's super-duper, scrum-diddly-umptious, crack-laced sugar cookies.

It was only right that Nanna was in town for the milestone, since she's put her own blood, sweat and vanilla into keeping the sugar cookie tradition alive for years and years.

And for that, my tummy (if not my thighs) thanks her.

And I'm sure Baby Girl will thank her, too, someday.

Here she is "helping" me roll out the dough:

Here she is making a little handprint:

Here she is gettin' handsy with the dough:

Here she is helping with the cookie cutter:

Here she is grabbing a wad and shoving it in her cute little mouth before we could stop her:

Here she is pursing her cute little lips after successfully nabbing that first taste of sugar, butter and all other things off-the-chart-yummy that will ruin her on veggies for life:

But there was nothing--and I mean, nothing--more fun during the whole process than licking the bowl (before the dough was spread, and after, mind you):

She's a true baker-in-training.

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