Thursday, March 7, 2013


I've been on a bit of a mission lately (regarding our master closet, in particular, but also the house, in general) that can be summed up in one word: PURGE.

Call it an early case of Spring Cleaning that began with my wardrobe and just snowballed.

I'm somebody who doesn't like a lot of clutter, so I tend to do a round of closet-cleaning two or three times a year. And yet, despite that regular weeding, this round of removal has been plentiful and brutal. Because I've hit a "frump" stage with 99.9% of all the clothes I own, so I'm forcibly removing the most offensive garb from the premises (I'm talking to you, decade-old, green house dress from Target with the bleach stains on it), so I can no longer reach for them in a moment of desperation.

But...I digress.

'Cause this post isn't about moi. It's about my adorable, little partner-in-crime for the closet fun. This little chica:

(Don't be alarmed by the image above. I promise the mess has all been bagged and removed, leaving a near barren wasteland in its wake.)

I am soooooo loving Baby Girl's increased mobility. And that's been such a fun development, because I can't tell you how many friends, family members, and random strangers told me I'd hate it when she started to crawl.

But I don't. I LOVE it!

I know, I know...I'm only a couple weeks in, so I'm sure some of you out there are thinking: oh, but wait. But I know myself pretty well, and I think I'm just going to keep getting a kick out of her exploration...turned over trashcans and all.

I love that, today, she wanted to:

  • Lick the trash bags.
  • Gnaw on the big hangers.
  • Gnaw on the small hangers.
  • Bang the hangers together.
  • Crawl under the hanging pants.
  • Scoot over to the shoe rack.
  • Remove all the shoes from the shoe rack.
  • Play with the door stopper.
  • Peek under the dresser.
  • Taste the metal doorhandles on the dresser.
  • Gnaw on the metal doorhandles on the dresser.

I just seriously get a huge kick out of all of it. I love seeing all of it from her voracious eyes. And I'm so proud of her for getting herself here, there and everywhere.

So here's hoping I continue to find the joy in her nosiness.

And here's hoping she's always up for "helping" Mama with a little Spring Purge.

Happy Thursday, peeps :)

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