Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Easter Bunny!

Today, we met Daddy during lunch for a visit to see...

The Easter Bunny!!!

Although Baby Girl was a rockstar with Santa a couple months ago, she's gotten a little more wary of strangers, so I was slightly concerned that a gigantic, fluffy, masked creature might make her scream bloody murder--but no!

Of course, I allowed a little time for acclimation to the fluffy man. I held her close to him for just a minute so she could check him out without being too scared, and then I set her down. And look! She did so well!

This one is the official portrait that we paid for, but I must say, I sort of love the first two, just as well.

After we were done with the official meet-and-greet (which took about 2.5 minutes from start to finish--including paying for the over-priced, yet totally-worth-it prints), we went to the food court for some Chick-fil-A. And Baby Girl was such a big girl, sitting in the booth next to Mama and Daddy:

Naturally, she had to lick the surface (which is why I liberally wiped it down with an anti-bacterial wipe immediately upon sitting down:

Unlike the after-Santa Chick-fil-A meal, this time, she got to eat along with us. This is her first taste of nugget! (Please note the appearance of the might-be dimple):

After a while, when we weren't feeding her fast enough, she got a little grabby:

And Daddy was nice enough to share a sip of his drink (Please note the scratches above her lip. No idea when they appeared, but I'm guessed it was during one of her exploration mishaps. Crawling is dangerous!):

And would you just look at this freaking adorable final shot!

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