Wednesday, April 24, 2013

43 Weeks

Tonight, in celebration of Week 43, I give you randomness:

1. The Official Pic

2. The After-Effects Of The Official Pic

When I texted the weekly photo to family members, I asked:

Are you guys ready to be done with these photos yet???

And little bro replied with:

Nope. Never gets old.

And then, to literally prove his point, he sent this:

I laughed.

And then I plotted to post it right on this here blog. Without his permission.

Perhaps I should've thought that through.

He's a law-yur.

He could sue me.

3. Early Tendencies Towards Hoarding

At the conclusion of every nap, I rescue Chica from the crib and sit with her for a bit in the rocking chair while she wakes up.

But lately, she's taken to honing in on a handful of objects on the nightstand, the second we sit down. And it only takes her about 2.5 seconds to lean over and grab said objects--which include, but are not limited to:
  • A second pacifier
  • A pacifier clip
  • A tube of gum-soothing gel
  • A liquid Advil dispenser
  • An aspirator
  • A coaster
  • A tube of Vaseline
Now, despite her desire to hold every. single. one. of said objects, she can't grasp more than, say, three, without something falling. So we spend several minutes playing pick-'em-up until she gets just the right combination of trophies.

I suspect an intervention will be needed soon.

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