Tuesday, April 2, 2013

9-Months & Climbing!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Easter happenings, to bring you two very important news broadcasts.

First: Chica had her 9-month check-up yesterday! The stats:

  • 16 pounds, 15 ounces
  • 28 inches long
She's growing so well :) And we celebrated by having a low-key, cuddle-filled afternoon.

And then today, we followed up that low-key laziness with a MAJOR development.


She's been studying the steps for weeks now--pulling up and examining the bottom one, trying to figure things out. So today, when she pulled her same maneuver, but followed it up with a confident knee hike, I was stunned!

But she didn't stop there. She just hauled with her little hands until she was squatting on the new step, and then kept. on. climbing.


She got up to the fifth step before I hauled her down and let her climb back up. She did it a few times before she finally tired out and wanted me to carry her down--ha. The whole process made me soooo proud and soooo terrified :)

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