Saturday, April 13, 2013


So about two seconds after I birthed a child, it came to my attention that, in Texas, it's sort of a Spring mandate to haul your booty (and your child's booty, and your hubby's booty, and anybody else's booty you can find) to a bluebonnet field and snap a million pics when those pretty blue buggers are in bloom.

So off to the bluebonnets we went!

Now, we should've known that since a field was relatively easy to find right down the road, the rest of the process was going to be difficult. And chica didn't disappoint on that front.

Problem #1: We hauled her out there (yesterday) about 45 minutes before bath time.
Problem #2: She generally likes looking at nature, but not interacting with it. Ha.

So...we expended a ton of energy trying to get joyful, Spring-is-a-bloomin' pics, and instead, got a bunch that looked sorta like this:

In case you're wondering, the caption on that one should read:

"I don't wanna touch that, and I don't wanna sit here."

As you'll see, we followed up the I don't-wanna-sit-here pic with, an I'm-seriously-not-diggin'-this-nature-stuff pic, and then an I'm-in-full-on-meltdown mode pic. Then finally, we got one I'm gonna-give-a-toothy-smile-so-you'll-let-me-quit-and-go-home shot, before we finally did just that.

Stay tuned for more pics from the second and third photo-shoot attempts (both of which were made today). Thank heavens, I can report that the third time was the charm :)

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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