Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Daddy In The Picture

A few days ago, when we were playing upstairs, I got down this old picture from a wedding the hubby and I attended circa 2005. and showed it to Chica.

I pointed and said, "Daddy" a few times, and then sat back as she studied the image:

And then, wouldn't ya know it, the smart little bugger set the frame down, and started touching her Daddy's face:

It was sooooo freaking sweet, and I was sooooo amazed that she was able to identify him within the picture over and over again--even after going to play with other things in the room and returning to the frame.

I was brimming with pride and amusement...until it all when south when she kept touching her Daddy's face and he just wasn't responding.

That's when she got upset.

And puffed out those little lips.

And started to cry:

We had to call Daddy at the office so she could hear his voice and know he wasn't stuck in the frame.

Darn that awesome iPhone FaceTime. She's so used to seeing people in 2D on Mama's phone screen that she wants them to come to life everywhere!

If only we lived at Hogwarts where all photos are moving images, wands are a pre-requisite, and Harry Potter can always be counted on to save the day :)

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