Sunday, May 19, 2013

Our Growing Girl

So the hubby and I both agree--Chica shot herself up with a BIG dose of independence sometime within the last week. It truly is amazing how fast these things happen.


  1. The weaning (sniff, sniff)
  2. The reaching into her star cereal cannister to snatch her OWN pieces rather than the ones Mama so kindly pours onto her highchair tray (cause those are substandard)
  3. The fascination with sitting up in the bathtub and playing with the faucet (more on that tomorrow), instead of just lounging like the bathing beauty she's been up 'till now
  4. The compulsion to climb the stairs and explore the game room a GAZILLION times a day
There are many, many more signs that she's developing that little mind of hers, but I can definitely report that everything she's up to these days comes with an extra dose of ENERGY. And all signs point to that energy coming with a side dish of fearlessness, too--ha.

I can only imagine what she's going to be like when she figures out the walking thing.


P.S. Along with the independent streak, Chica appears to have divested of her Stranger Danger phase--yay!!! It was with us in FULL FORCE for about 4-5 weeks, but we're pretty darn sure the worst has passed.

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