Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday Randomness

Tonight, 'cause it's Sunday, and I've just updated our family Flex spending account budget (so I don't have it hanging over my head anymoh), I'll share, some uber-randomness from the past couple of days. In no particular order...except that they're numbered, which would indicate that they are, in fact, in a particular order.

1. She's Baaaaaack!

The oh-so sad, very needy, (understandably so) child formerly known as my Baby Girl has finally vacated the premises, and returned my smiley, energetic, explorative daughter back to me.

(Side note: Though the happy is back, I believe we've been left with a side dose of what I'm dubbing Sickness Spoiling--meaning, she was quite catered to during her infirm period, and now, would prefer that her 'rents just keep on keepin' on with catering. I suspect some weaning will be needed).

2. She's Probably Baaaaack Mostly Due to a Break from Her Parents

Last night, Mama and Daddy got to run away from home for a bona-fide date night, complete with singing and dancing (literally, though definitely NOT by us--unless you count in the car on the way home).

We left the kiddo with her brilliant fairy godmother, and ran away to dinner and the musical Wicked, and it was stupendous (isn't that word underused???). It really was just a fantastic musical, and it was such a joy to be out and about doing something far different from our typical Saturday night.

I was so fortunate during my formative years to be exposed to all sorts of artistic performances (tons of ballet and musicals--as in, season ticket kind of "tons"--not to mention, the occasional opera). I owe those amazing experiences to my mother, who so kindly paid for our family of four to partake in that kind of fun, and I soooo hope I can do the same for my family some day.

In the meantime, the hubby and I will enjoy every now and then until Chica is old enough ;)

Oh--the whole point of this random: Chica was TOTALLY and COMPLETELY looked after, complete with WAY MORE FUN than she, also, gets on a Saturday night. And her aforementioned brilliant Godmother was also so kind as to send pictures (like the one below), to make me smile like a fool, and rest easy knowing my daughter was in the BEST hands for the evening.

3. I Killed My Pinkie Toe (Right Foot)

This afternoon, I somehow shoved my foot into the doorframe of our master bedroom as I was rushing by, and the pain was so intense, I let out some very choice words (or really, just one very choice word over and over and over, that starts with an "F").

I knew I was in trouble when blood started seeping through my sock. 

The damage was severe.

My pinky toe has been crying ever since.

And I suspect open-toed shoes will be in order all week?

(Potential excuse for shoe-shopping???)


4. My Daughter Is a Noisy Congregant

Chica is getting a little too vocal in church these days, so just before communion, we paid a visit to the nursery, where I think she will be spending time (at least during the sermon) VERY soon.

When we got back from the nursery and were towards the end of the Nicene Creed, she dropped my sunglasses onto the floor beneath the pew, and most definitely made a distinct "uh oh" noise, since her Daddy and I have been in the habit of saying that lately when she drops something.

Too cute.

And too noisy.

(For church, at least).

5. Time Flies

It's nearly 9 p.m., we're most definitely watching Game of Thrones tonight, and that means the MILLION other shows stacked up in our DVR will just have to wait.

Where do the evenings go these days???

Oh least we won't be totally bored when all the shows are on hiatus for the summer.

Peace out, peeps.

Happy Sunday!

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