Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Big, Fat "Uh oh"

So, Chica's first word--other than "Mama" and "Dada"--turned out to be "uh oh." And man oh man is it cute when she busts it out.

It's the first word she's associated with an accurate meaning--and she knows just when to use it in her daily life, without any promoting from moi.

Her paci drops to the floor while Mama's carrying her--uh oh.

A toy rolls under the couch and out of her reach--uh oh.

One of her cereal stars plummets from her high chair--uh oh.

It's all just so. darn. cute.

Or was.

Until yesterday. When her uh-ohs went from accidental to deliberate.

Exhibit A: Observe Chica dropping both pacifiers out of her crib then peering over and cooing, "uh oh." 

And then screaming bloody murder for a very, very long time when--gasp--Mama doesn't come in to give them back (because contrary to popular belief, Mama is not a FTPR [Full Time Pacifier Retriever]).

Exhibit B: At dinner, whilst playing with Daddy's sunglasses, she accidentally knocked them to the ground. But when they were returned to her, she sized them up, then took her cute little forearm and deliberately swiped them off again.

"Uh oh."

This is not a fun development. 

I know it's an expected stage, but so far it's tripled: a) the time spent in crib prior to sleeping, b) the noise level during that time spent in crib prior to sleeping, and c) the number of entertaining items needed at all times in my purse, since one deliberate drop means an item gets put away.

I'm hoping to nip this "game" in the bud!

Wishful thinking???

(Don't answer that.)

Happy Saturday, peeps.

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