Thursday, June 6, 2013

My Infant Woodchuck

Most of the time, I see this smile, and my heart soars, my uterus melts, and start babbling like the besotted Mama I am.

But today, I saw this smile--complete with eight crazy-sharp teeth--for what it really is:

Look--just freaking look--at what the little bugger did to her crib today!!!!!! She was so annoyed at being stuck in there for her afternoon nap that she staged a protest with the clear goal of GNAWING HER WAY OUT.

I can't believe she destroyed her crib like this!! I mean, you can see the freaking teeth marks on the top of the rail, and along the inside, well, it's just a strip of ruination!!!

If she did this in just a few minutes today, I can't imagine what it will look like a few days from now. Argh!!!

I'm going to attempt to look at the bright side and hope the ruination will keep to just that section of the crib, since that's where she always stands and stares at the door (or stares at the floor where she's flung her pacifiers).

I'll let you know how that goes.

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