Monday, June 24, 2013

Things I'll Miss--Part 1

In case I forgot to mention (and in case you just happened to miss the obnoxious, but oh-so-fun weekly pics I post every Wednesday), my daughter is turning one this week.


Let me pause for a moment of weeping--er, I mean, silence--to commemorate this major milestone.

Despite the hourly threat of a total and complete emotional breakdown as the day draws close, I'm attempting to soldier on bravely. But I still thought it would be nice--and kinda cathartic--to share some of the lovely things about Chica that I'll miss soooooo much as she ages.

Tonight, I give you Part 1: Balance Bearing

I think as long as I live, I'll be able to close my eyes and imagine the precious feel of her little body pressing against my legs as she stares up at me like this:

And like this:

I mean, is there anything more lovely in this whole wide world, I ask you????

Wait--before you answer that, let us take a moment to pause and examine what I'm wearing in the above pic. Green, paint-splattered t-shirt that used to belong to the hubby, grey and white Old Navy pajama paints, and lavender and white striped fluffy socks. Niiiiiiice.

Now back to our regularly-scheduled cuteness.

Besides holding onto my legs a million times a day, Chica also has an unbelievably adorable way of leaning one hand against my chest to leverage her entire body weight while I feed her snacks on the play mat (which is usually where we munch):

Notice how her body is angled toward the TV (that you can't see in the pic), rather than her attentive (and adequately dressed, this time) mother, who is so kindly spoon-feeding her some pear yogurt.  

Of course, sometimes, the constant leaning and weight-bearing from a little one can seem a little oppressive. But that's maybe one day out of a thousand (maybe). All the other days of my life, I'm so freaking happy to have that little nugget clamoring all over me, all the time. And I'll definitely miss that as she ages and gains her balance...and doesn't need Mama any more.


Now, to combat my hormonal, my-daughter-is-turning-one feelings, I'll leave you with two totally random, and not-at-all-related-to-this-post pics. Just 'cause they're cute.

Happy Monday, peeps!

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