Friday, July 5, 2013

A Little Girl And A Big Lake

Chica took her inaugural boat trip today--up in the Ozarks on a be-a-utiful summer day.

Of course, Mama and Daddy were concerned with safety first, so this is the only shot of her cutie-patootie bathing suit before she was strapped into her life vest:

Perched on Daddy's lap with the breeze and the sunshine was pretty darn fine by her. She just luuuuved the wind in her hair:

And she also loved checking out waves off the back of the boat. It was pretty darn mesmerizing:

In fact, the only time she was anything but peaceful and chill was when we officially dipped her in the water. She didn't dig it. Too cold, I think:

She kept on her serious face for a bit after she was out:

But then she went back to happy, chill and relaxed--just checking out her surroundings and lounging with Mama in the sunshine on the boat, watching the others swim around.

It was a good little adventure. And she didn't once try to bust free from the life vest--woohoo!

Happy Saturday, peeps!

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