Thursday, July 11, 2013


The hubby and I are screwed. Yep--screwed. Already.

It all started when Chica discovered her pink cowgirl hat (from her cousin--thanks, Kinley!). She figured out how to put in on and smile oh-so-big, thinking she was oh-so-cute (and let's face it, she was):

Then yesterday, holding Mama's sunglasses suddenly wasn't enough anymore. No, no, no...she wanted to wear them:

Then when the sunglasses became old news, Mama made the kind but very big mistake of handing over a few necklaces. Open: Pandora's Box:

Before I knew it, she was upstairs wearing the hat, the necklaces, and her faux bracelets (that are by her feet in this pic):

Even when the hat came off, the necklaces stayed. Just, ya know, for extra style while she was lounging. 'Cause what one-year-old doesn't need some jewels whilst halting her incessant movement long enough to watch a commercial?

In case there was any question as to whether or not this new accessorizes obsession is here to stay...I give you Exhibit A: Chica clasping Mama's mint necklace today (pretty impressively, might I add), before a lunch date with Daddy:

I wouldn't let her hold it in her car seat (choking hazard, and all), but I let her have it as soon as we arrived at our destination, and she kept a good grip on it throughout her meal. She smiled at every. single. person. that passed by, and every. single. person. smiled right back when they checked out her jewels:

I'm guessing a dig through Mama's dormant play-jewelry box is in the not-so-distant future:

Happy Thursday, peeps!

Oh, and because old habits die hard and I just can't seem to help myself, and Chica just so happened to climb up into her rocker (with a little help from Mama, who also just so happened to write out the weekly milestone on the trusty chalkboard), I give you the weekly pic:

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