Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Love Sponge

A few months ago, not long after the moving/holiday craziness, I reached the height of my worry regarding my firstborn dealing with the arrival of my second born.

Like lots of soon-to-be second-time mothers out there, the concern kept me in knots--though I rationally reminded myself that billions of us have siblings (whom we love to bits) and very few of us can remember when those siblings came along, let alone claim to be scarred in any way.

So I'm relieved to report that time has assuaged my concern somewhat.

But I don't just mean the passing of time. I mean the abundance of time--quality time--I've spent with Chica over the past few weeks.

I know it might seem silly since I've spent all day, every day with her since she was born, but these last couple of months have been so precious to me because I know things are soon to change.

I've been a sponge--just soaking up all the special moments, small and large, that make each day magical. 


Catching her sneaking into the bathtub:

Snickering over her saggy pantalones:

Meeting Daddy for lunch:

Snuggling during nap time:

Spying on her sleeping during nap time:

Letting her play in the driver's seat of the parked car:

Playing on the bridge at the pond:

Helping her put all the hair bows she wants in her hair:

Letting her take a selfie in her princess dress:

Taking a gazillion adoring pictures of her in that princess dress:

Hanging on the front porch (with our sticks), watching the cement truck pour the sidewalk for the neighboring house:

Laughing and tickling in the rocker:

And just plain enjoying every little smile and moment that makes every day so stinking fun:

If I'm half as blessed with both my daughters in the next 21 months as have I been the past 21, I'll be one soaked love sponge for a long time to come.

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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