Monday, March 31, 2014

And Baby Makes Four

Our beautiful little miracle arrived yesterday--one day ahead of her planned delivery date, woohoo!--and is healthy, happily-feeding, and loved to pieces already. Just like her big sister.

Here are the official stats:
- 9:13 a.m.
- 7 pounds, 10 ounces
- 19 3/4 inches 

And now here are my two beloved girls in similar poses. Can you tell they're related? (Chica is left; Jelly Bean--as she will now be called--is on the right.)

They look like sisters, yes?? :) A definite resemblance without identicality (Is that a word? I'm making it a word.)

All four of us are doing so well--though a bit tired, so I'll just leave you with a ton of pics for now, and the promise of more to come!

Happy Day-After-Birth-Day, peeps!

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