Sunday, March 23, 2014

Daddy Dressing

One of my greatest joys in life is our Sunday routine before church.

For the past few months, it's been fairly typical for Chica to play in the shower with Mama while Daddy gets ready, and then we flip--Daddy hauls Chica upstairs to dress her so Mama can finish getting ready.

It's been a pretty decent tag-team schedule, with one awesomely adorable upside: The Big Reveal.

You see, I never give Daddy instructions on what to dress Chica in. Partly because I trust his judgement, and partly because it's so. stinking. cute. to see what he comes up with (hint: he tends to go uber-girly and highly accessorized--ha).

Today's ensemble, for example:

Now, I'll grant you that Chica requested the necklaces, but I believe the headband and headbands-as-bracelets were all Daddy.

I mean, it's just too darn adorable for words. Especially when they primped a bit more, side by side:

Of course, the headband never made it out of the house (she pulls 'em off within minutes) and the replacement clip dangled precariously all throughout the church service, despite Mama's best efforts to re-secure it every so often. But still...

It's the effort that counts. 

And Daddy puts forth some gold-star effort.

It makes my heart burst to think of him coordinating two little ladies' ensembles. 


Happy Sunday, peeps!

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