Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Disgruntled Non-Napper

So remember when I was all--waaaaah, my crazy kiddo takes hours to go to bed?!

Well in case you were wondering if it would help to keep her up all. freaking. day. without a nap, IT DOESN'T. 'Cause Mama and child just end up exhausted and a little (correction: a lot) nutso!!!

For the record, I didn't try this little experiment on purpose. Chica just decided not to nap--despite Mama's best freaking efforts to convince her otherwise.

I should have known it would be a day like this when Chica had her crazy on, even this morning (this is the face she made when I asked her to smile--ha):

Here's the little riot when I finally released her from her crib this afternoon. Don't be fooled by the fake I'm-pretending-to-cry face. She was just fine--and I think a little proud she's gotten her pants off:

Lovable Terd. 

Happy Tuesday, peeps. Send happier napping vibes my way for maƱana!

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