Monday, March 24, 2014

Flower Pots, Wreaths & Trims--Oh My!

Though I have high hopes for some fun, professional landscaping in both the front and back yards, that's something that won't likely hit the household budget until early next year.

And since the alternative--doing a bunch of subpar, manual labor on my own--is even less likely this Spring, with a newborn, I decided to do the next, best thing:

Buy a couple cute planters and call it a season :)

Chica was a huge help, naturally, with her always-trusty sticks:

I think she was just pumped to be set free on such a lovely evening, so close to bedtime.

But she diligently checked up on our handiwork today. First smelling one pot...

And then the other...

Before performing a very technical, for-professionals-only, soil saturation test...

Then finishing off her inspection with a stop at the front door, where she complimented the new wreath I made after she was down for the night, but kindly pointed out that the Christmas mat needed to go.

I hear ya, Chica, loud and clear.


But of course, the major event of the day was not, in fact, the Spring "sprucing" of the porch, but rather, the Spring sprucing...of Chica's hair!

It had been looking a bit shaggy again, so I took her in for a $5 trim. Only touched the back, since the sides and front still aren't growing--ha--and was able to create a little bob, of sorts.

She looks super cute:

But then, I always think my nugget is super (duper) cute.

That's a Mama's prerogative.

Happy I'm-A-Ticking-Birth-Time-Bomb-With-A-Scheduled-C-Section-In-Less-Than-A-Week, Now Monday, peeps!

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