Sunday, March 9, 2014

Fun (Mostly Preggers) Facts For Sunday

Tonight, I give you random thoughts from my brain, accompanied by totally unrelated pics of Chica. Just 'cause.

Fun Fact #1: 
It's 10:26 p.m. and my daughter is still awake in her crib. Daylight Savings--what a joy.

Fun Fact #2: 
I now waddle.
Yep, peeps. 'Tis true.
I never waddled whilst pregnant with Chica (or so people swore to spare my feelings), but I'm waddling now, and it ain't pretty.

Fun Fact #3:
I had a hot flash yesterday, the likes of which I had not experienced since the day of my little bro's wedding, whilst uber-pregnant with Chica.

That day, I started sweating my entire epidermal layer off about five minutes before being rounded up for official pictures.

I had to sneak off to a room with a fan, hike my hair up into a pile on top of my head, and suffer the humiliation of my husband fanning me with the skirt of my own maxi dress.

This time, I sweat my lady balls (and many other body parts) off while sitting at my hair appointment with tin foil being plastered all around my face while a beauty cape simultaneously fueled the raging fire of hot flash hormones and concealed my soaked grey shirt.

Attractive, peeps. I'm so. dang. attractive. these days. My hubby is one lucky, lucky guy.

Fun Fact #4:
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and I'm not so secretly hoping I've already dilated a bit.

Stay tuned for more of my delusional, wishful thinking as the month progresses.

Peace out.

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