Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Tiny Scorceress

Today, while we were playing in the front yard, I noticed Chica waving one of her sticks in a super-cute way while she mumbled something repetitively.

It only took me a bit to realize what the stinking adorable little booger was trying to do--recite a spell she'd seen on an episode of Sofia (naturally, 'cause what else does the girl watch and study obsessively???).

In the episode, Sofia is the royal sorcerer's apprentice for a few days so she can study up for a class at school. And the specific spell they recite over and over involves turning an object into a ruby.

"Mu-tah-toe Rubio!"

When I finally deciphered what Chica was trying to say and helped her along, she just BEAMED. And every single time she did the cutest. freaking. flourish. with her stick wand.

I die.

Might have to dig up the wand I bought a couple years ago in Orlando at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter ;)

Happy Hump Day, peeps.

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