Friday, April 25, 2014

My Rollie Pollie!

Oh my freaking goodness, Chicklet executed her first tummy to back roll today!!!

Her pediatrician literally squealed and giggled the first time she examined the little booger because she couldn't believe Chicklet's neck strength.

And then, at her second exam about a week later, said pediatrician predicted Chicklet would be rolling within a week.

I thought she was nuts.

But, no!

(And for the record, I can't believe I was conveniently snapping pics at the very moment of the roll so I caught live action shots!!!)




:) :) :)

I decided to flop her back onto her tummy to see if I could catch a repeat performance, but that's about the time Chica decided to swoop in for a congratulatory, squishy hug.

Kinda killed the rolling momentum ;)

In other fun Friday news--we had an up close and personal encounter with two ducks during our pond outing today.

Good times, good times.

Happy Weekend, peeps!

P.S. A couple bonus shots from our lovely patio dinner.

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