Monday, April 28, 2014

The Push Present Mishap

A week or so before Chicklet was due, my all-star hubby purchased a pair of earrings for me as a push present.

So, naturally, I busted those beautiful citrine and garnet earrings out the moment labor began.

Here I am with Chica outside the hospital (when I was in labor but still smiling, therefore, not in quite enough labor for the nursing staff):

Let's zoom in for a closer look at the earrings [try not to focus on the adorable child], shall we?

So, as the story goes, I was sent home from the hospital after a few hours, but I showed up the next morning in quite enough pain for the nursing staff to deem me miserable and fit for birth (because I refused a wheelchair, and apparently, that's the cue you mean labor business).

Now, they don't make you remove any of your jewelry for surgery, so I was still wearing my rings and earrings when they wheeled me into delivery a few hours after dealing with those lovely contractions.

But after twenty minutes of surgery prep, I'd been moved and jostled enough that some of my hair had fallen out of my very fashionable (read the sarcasm here) scrubs cap, and instead of just taking the time to work around my earrings to get my hair back in the cap, this one nurse just took the earrings off (despite my internal protests that went unvoiced since, let's face it, I was more concerned about the fact that I was about to be cut open).

After removing the earrings, that same curt and bossy nurse (I can say this about her without guilt because, a) it's true, and b) because every. other. stinking. nurse. at that hospital is STELLAR) unceremoniously dumped the earrings in the shallow breast pocket of my hubby's scrubs--along with our camera and iPhone.

Now, of course, the hubby was also worried about other things, so when that same nurse pulled back out the phone and camera when Chicklet was born, nobody was thinking a thing about jewelry, and...

Yep, you guessed it. One of the earrings disappeared. 


Some kind staff members searched later on our behalf. And I followed up with the hospital's lost and found--both to no avail.

The earring's done gone.

So...after moping for awhile, I decided I might as well do something with the remaining ill-fated push present earring. So we found a jeweler and had it made into a pendant.

(Let's ignore the alien shape and color of my hand and check out another pic with a better background, shall we??)

Bottom line: I love my pendant, I will always mourn my lost earring...and I'm glad that neither piece of jewelry is the true treasure of this story.

This, my dear friends, is my true gem:

Happy Tuesday!

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