Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cookies & Chalk

So, what do cookies and chalk have in common? (Other than both being items toddlers like to eat--ha.)

They're both items that keep toddlers entertained!

Chica and I made good use of The Learning Tower again to finally ice the cookies we made a week ago. (Don't tell anyone about that lag time. It's our itty bitty secret.)

Yep. Smoosh those sprinkles in there real good.

Of course, she ate two, smooshed one. Ate four or five, smooshed one. She's no dummy, that one.

Nevertheless, we ended up with a handful that we took to our new neighbors across the street. And there's pretty much nothing cuter or more appreciated than a be-jeweled toddler delivering smooshed-icing cookies, so they were splendidly received. :)

Side note: there may or may not have been a second batch prepared for our other new neighbors that Chica "accidentally" dumped on our front porch and started eating. And I may or may not have salvaged a few and re-plated them and walked them over to those neighbors anyway. Lucky for them, they weren't home, so the 5-second-rule cookies are still on the counter. For now.

So that was yesterday afternoon's entertainment. Then this morning, we busted out our new sidewalk chalk for some back patio doodling.

Of course, Chicklet was there, too. Just look at this smooshy wooshy face:

Mama had the strong urge to doodle on her. Sorta like freezing the bra of the girl who falls asleep first at the slumber party, hehe.

But I resisted ;)

What fun it will be when both my girls are old enough for cookies and chalk.

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

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