Saturday, June 14, 2014

Dum-Dum Addict

Chica's first words to me this morning:

"Mama, I need a sucker."

Literally. The very first words after I hauled her out of her crib.

I've created a (tiny, super-cute) monster, peeps.

I thought I was being smart by stocking a couple of dum-dums in my purse for those grocery store checkout disaster scenarios when Chica pleads for a lollipop about the size of her head. 

And I thought I was carefully sneaking them out so she thought they came from the store, not Mama's bag--but, alas, my kid is too smart. 

And, apparently, a sugar addict.

Any car ride now:


Any playtime at home:

"Mama? Sucker."

Every day, after nap, during that cranky hour before dinner:


I mean, look here--she has one in her hand, but she's reaching for others:

And when she looks like this (or when she's first up for the day, in footed PJs, with bed head and that adorable still-half-asleep face) it's so hard not to give in:

I love my kid.

But I don't wanna be the reason for rotten teeth.


Happy Sweet Saturday, peeps.

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