Monday, July 14, 2014

15 Weeks

I love my littlest nugget to pieces.

Can't believe how fast she's growing.

And I can't wait to see how these two interact as they both age, because right now, they melt my heart into goo.

Bonus action shot--caught Chicklet barely in the frame rolling again. She really didn't wanna be on her tummy today when we were playing. Kept flipping. Hehe.

Not gonna lie, peeps. Glad this Monday is about over. Between some morning nap training for Chicklet (tears, tears and guilt--oh, and she cried, too) and a failed afternoon nap for Chica (involving a lot of yelling for Daddy since he's the one who typically rescues her from the crib in the middle of the night), Mama's emotionally beaten down.

Might not get better tomorrow with the training--but at least it will be a new day.


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