Tuesday, July 22, 2014

16 Weeks

Guess what, peeps??? Chicklet has been out o' the womb for four weeks!

And then another four.

With four more after that.

And then just four more--ya know, for good measure.

'Cause that's how 16 works.


Could she be any cuter???

(This is where I point out to my little bro, who stated I could not birth a baby as cute as the first one, that I did, in fact, accomplish that task. Me. Myself. My womb. With, ya know, a teeny tiny itty bitty help from God. And my husband, I suppose, if we're being technical here.


On this, Chicklet's 16th week of being cheek-poked and hug-smooshed and loved-up from her sister, I'll share her latest skillz.

1. Slobbering
No pic needed. It's just a fact. The drool has ramped up. No sign of teeth yet, though.

2. Jumping One-Legged
In the Jumperoo. (Though I'd pay good money to see a 16-week-old jump one-legged without assistance.) Pics to come. Probably a whole post of 'em at some point.

3. Grasping
Kid's got a solid grip. She's mostly grabbing at her paci or blankets these days, but I've started to pull out some toys to entertain her. Like this one that she totally digs:

4. Rolling From Back to Front--Almost
She so. dang. close. She's got the legs-up-fling-em-over-and-shift-the-torso bit totally down. She just lacks that last, teeny ounce of momentum to finish the move. But seriously--if I push her with just one finger, she plops right over. It'll happen soooon, I predict. See, look--she was even trying to go off-roading while we were outside this afternoon:

She has her four-month checkup at the end of next week, and I can't wait to see how much she's grown. Some things--like her tummy--have gotten sooooo much better (thanks the heavens!), but others are still challenging (crying inconsolably in the car seat, oh, and that major thing called sleeping), but I'll share updates on that stuff soon, too.

Hope everyone's having a great week so far!


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