Tuesday, July 8, 2014

2-Year Checkup

See this cutie patootie right here (the one in the foreground, though the one in the background is just as cute)?

She had her two-year checkup today--such a big girl she is now!

She's still trending uber-tall--the 92nd percentile. Crazy beans, eh?

Her doc says the predictive rule of thumb is to take their height in inches at the age of two and double it. Which would make a grown-up Chica 5'10"!

Now that's crazy beans!

The doc says you might lose a couple inches from that estimation if she goes through early puberty (and stops growing earlier), but still..she'll probably have a decent height on her.

Oh-and she's 27.4 pounds now. Waaaaaah! My baby!!!


A fun side-effect of this aging (besides making me hormonal): she's to the point now where she'll grab food when she's hungry and it's so cute and independent that I love it.

As a result of this new foraging, The Learning Tower has now also become a snack stand :) She'll hang there (and can crawl up in it and out of it on her own now) and munch.

It gives her more autonomy than her highchair but contains the mess and gives me a kitchen buddy. Win/win/win.

Love my growing girl.


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