Wednesday, July 16, 2014


If I love my husband and daughters the mostest, there are a handful of things that rank just below that--including, but not limited to: chocolate, coffee, celebrity gossip, and...


Seriously, peeps. I love love love books.

I love reading.

luuuuuvr immersing myself in a story or world or conflict or romance (or better yet--all four at once!) more than anything else (besides my kids and hubby).

I honestly can't imagine my life without reading--and I soooooooo hope to pass that love along to my girlies.

So today, we went to our local library for the first time (we'd been to the one in our old county before we moved, though Chica was super duper young).

My beloved firstborn found a little nook by the window right away. And if I know my kid--and I do!--she'll gravitate toward this spot every time we go, now.

Can't wait to get to the stage where she looks forward to coming and knows what it's all about.

Yay for books!

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