Wednesday, July 9, 2014

On Guard!

Chicklet has matured by leaps and bounds these past two weeks.

Seriously--it's insane in the membrane how her skill set has developed.

She's giggling, grasping things, making oodles of inanimate object friends, chatting more that the combined household at times (girlfriend can jabber!) and jumping in her Jumoeroo. 

It's nuts!

It's also crazy nuts how closely this development has mirrored a major cluster feeding spurt.

Makes sense, since the food nourishes the brain, not just that itty bitty body.

(If only I could figure out how to nurse in my sleep, I'd be golden.) favorite aspect of this particular round of development (besides the giggles--be still my heart!) is the paci awareness.

My little baby nugget is sooo aware of that paci now--and is becoming so adept at maneuvering it, and even reeling it in by its paci clip.

She's even wizened up to the fact that she's gotta find a way to keep that dang paci in her mouth while she's sleeping, and her attempts have made me smile like a fool and burst with my-kid-is-a-smartypants(the good kind)-pride.

Here she is guarding the asset:

I'm telling ya--it's the cutest darn thing. Especially when she wakes up and realizes she's loosened her grip. I can practically hear her thinking, "don't let your guard down; never let your guard down!"

Love my baby.

Can't believe how fast she's growing (probably 'cause I'm sleep-deprived to the point of zombiedom and feel like the last three months have been one, long, night.)

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

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