Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tiny Traitors

Betrayal #1

Yesterday, Chicklet wailed the entire way to meet Daddy for lunch.

And then she wailed the entire way home from lunch.

So when I saw the flashing lights of a cop pulling me over, I mouthed a few four-
letter words, thumped the steering wheel, and then pulled over knowing--just knowing--that no officer of the law would ticket me for speeding (and not that much, I might add; I was just keeping pace with the other cars on the highway) once he heard what I have to put up with every. dang. car. ride. (You people who've ridden with me know my pain.) I mean, of he was truly doling out justice, he'd give me some sort of medal.

But do you know what happened?? Do you?? Do you???

Chicklet stopped wailing!!!

The kid totally sold me out! She barely uttered a few gurgles whilst I let a whole slew of words fly in my head.

I suspect she was utilizing her new fist-in-mouth move in the backseat:

I mean, for the LOVE of ALL that is HOLY! What good is a beautiful baby who screams every time she's put in a car seat if she doesn't get you out of speeding tickets???


It's a good thing she's so darn cute and I love her like crazy.

Oh--and as soon as I pulled back onto the road with my shiny ticket in hand, she started screaming bloody murder again.


Betrayal #2

Chica has a favorite episode of Sofia these days, and after watching it for the nine thousandth time yesterday morning, I had the episode's song stuck in my head.

So I did what any self-respecting mother would do and performed it theatrically in the shower with Chica.

And do you know what she did? Do you??? Do you???

She looked up at me and plugged her ears.

Well, I never! The audacity!

I mean, yes, I was belting that tune like an iPhone stuck on repeat, but still.

We'll see who sings along with her now!


Used and abused.


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