Saturday, August 2, 2014

4-Month Checkup

See this cutie patootie right here?? 

Poor thing celebrated her return from vacay yesterday with shots. Cruel parents she has, eh?? 

She handled it as any 4-month-old would--loudly. Though she had not one, but two parental units around to soothe her, since Daddy was still off work for vacation and tagged along for the "fun."

This round of immunizations spurred some cold-like symptoms, which I think I remember happening to Chica, as well. But hopefully it'll all pass with a little (or a lotta) TLC.

Other stats from the visit:

Weight: 13 pounds, 9 ounces (32nd percentile)

Length: 25 inches (75th percentile)

Oh, and she has a teeny-tiny noggin', like her Mama, but I bet it's chock full o' brains ;)

Happy Saturday, peeps!

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