Tuesday, August 12, 2014

E is for Elephant

Chica's been showing an interest in letters these days--thanks to both her little Leap Frog computer toy and her Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book (a classic that I triple dog dare you not to enjoy reading, 'cause the phrase is just too much fun to say.)

Because of her interest, we've been working on letter/picture associations--you know, like, "E is for elephant," and the smart bugger is such a sponge that at breakfast this weekend, she pointed to a big "E" on the wall and said "elephant."

Love it.

She's started pointing to signs and the etched letters on my car bumper, too.

So I thought she'd enjoy this 10-foot-long alphabet puzzle I found.

I could've bet good money that she'd park herself right by the "E." Words cannot express how much she luuuuuuvs elephants.

This is her elephant trunk she makes whenever she says the word. Cutest. Thing. Ever.


Of course, "H for Hippo" is pretty high up there, too. 'Cause hippos and elephants look alike. Naturally.

For now, Chica's most interested in carrying the E and the H from room to room, but she digs the puzzle as a whole, too. And she really digs singing the alphabet song, so if we sing that when we put together the puzzle, she'll be golden.

Yay for curious little minds.

Happy Tuessay, peeps!

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