Sunday, August 31, 2014

Meet And Geek

Tonight, because it's a holiday, and because I'm a little weekend-crazy, and because I have to get this off my mind before I go to sleep, YOU GET A DOUBLE POST!

Are you excited???

Are you???

You should be, because this one's a doozie. A real doozie, I tell ya.

Now, as I tell this tale, just remember this prophesy:

If you dye it, they will come.

And now...let's begin.

So Friday, I decided I needed a hair change, 'cause apparently, that's what I do five months after I birth a child. And this time, since I was starting blonde-ish, but didn't really want to go totally brunette since it's still an ever-loving inferno outside, I decided to go red.

Yep, I said red.

I've been mahogany in my life, but I've never been red.

Of course, as is always the case, it didn't exactly end up the color I planned (despite bringing pics to my hair appointment), so at the moment, I look like a superhero, or a super-tomahto, or a fireball perhaps. But I'm rollin' with it. 'Cause hair color changes don't scare me. Cuts are much worse.

Here's my flaming mane for proof.

Now, I firmly believe that because I dyed my hair red, this AMAZEBALLS thing happened today:

Why, yes. Yes, that is, in fact, a picture of myself and the mother, rancher-wife, blogger-extraordinaire, author, Food Network chef, and redhead, who goes by the name of something that rhymes with Wioneer Woman.

(I'm not gonna type her actual title, because I would be MORTIFIED if just one, single person on earth other than those nearest and dearest to me who actually read this blog, happened to do a keyword search for her and happened to come across this post, even though the chances of that are like one in a billion).

I DIE!!!

So there I was, bending down to look at a necklace in Nordstrom when I spotted her out of the corner of my eye. Of course, I didn't actually believe it was her until I stalked her a little bit from a crouched position and then ran over to consult with the hubby. 

Naturally, the entire time, I was freaking the ever-loving-crap out, and my heart was racing, but I knew--just knew--I wouldn't be able to leave the situation alone without approaching her. Because it was SUCH a peaceful and low-key environment. She was alone, the store was fairly empty, and I knew I would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS get an opportunity like this again!

So...I took my hair down from its ghetto clip, and walked over as the most embarrassing fangirl version of myself.

She was so sweet and so obliging, despite my idiocy. I told her I was a huge fan, I was from Tulsa, and I hated to bother her but wanted to say hello. She told me she was in town with her girls (who were around the corner in another store) for their soccer tournament and they were killing times between games. We exchanged some other chitchat, I worked up the nerve to ask for a pic, and then I told her I'd leave her to her shopping, and she was just so lovely lovely about it all.


Seriously! It was insane! I have never in my life experienced anything like it!

I was just the strangest mix of post-excited and dumbfounded--ha.

Of course, after the fact, I thought of a million things I should have said to her, like:

My mother was so excited to win one of your website prize drawings years ago.

My dearest friend on earth just loves your pie crust recipe.

That same, dear friend has a heart issue similar to yours.

I was a ballerina when I was younger, too!

I'm a middle child, too.

I just love your sense of humor and optimism.

Is it strange having people come up to you in stores when you're shopping?

You look so relaxed but put together. Do you feel pressure to look lovely when you go out in public because freaks like me are going to attack you?

Your website brought me SO much joy in the early months after I left my job in advertising and discovered the fun of cooking.

Is it weird that I wanted your color of red hair and ended up with this???

My mother wants to see the wild horses on your property. Can I set that up with you? Like, right now????

Can I be your friend?????

Can you avoid requesting a restraining order for, like, 48 hours???????

I'm insane.

But insanely happy to have met her.

And a total nerd.

But that's okay. Because it's total nerds like me who have made her wildly successful.


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