Thursday, August 7, 2014

Play Doh!

We had another crafty first today, peeps!

Play doh!

Or is it play dough?? 

Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto.

Technically, it wasn't either; it was this:

'Cause it said no crumbles, and I dug that. And it was full of sparkles, and I really dug that. ;)

As expected, Chica made the face that all humans the world over have made when first coming into contact with this foreign substance.

What the...(nose scrunch).

But she quickly got into the hang of it.

And she wouldn't be my child if she didn't at least go in for a taste.

The box came with a little pamphlet with suggestions of animals you could mold. If you were the Picasso of doh, that is. Naturally, we failed after only attempting an elephant's trunk. 

And I've never lived my firstborn more than we she decided it was just as legit to take the wads of doh and smoosh them over the mocking animals in the pamphlet.

That's my girl :)

Of course, one doh creation we can master hands down? Bracelets!

Sure, they stick together with the slightest movement. And, sure, they stretch out and break. But then you just end up with coolio, swirled-doh bracelets you get to make over and over. And show to your happily bouncing sister...

Now would be a good time to point out the reason sister was so happily bouncing during craft time. She was working on a "creation" of her own that I discovered when the three of us changed locations.

Yep, that was a white onesie, peeps. Until the silent and deadly explosion all up her back. Nice.

But let's not end on that note. Let's end on these cutie pie pics of Chica with her Daddy (and his awesome head o' hair) tonight.

Happy Weekend Eve, peeps!

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