Monday, September 8, 2014

23 Weeks

This 23-week-old cutie pie slept SO well last night that she decided she didn't really wanna nap so well today. Ha. Oh well, can't have it all, right?

Luckily, we made the most of our twosome time while Chica was still napping. We played and rolled and giggled all over her bedroom floor.

Only problemo--she kept spitting up everywhere (just one of those days, I guess), and I finally got tired of wiping her down. So I stripped her nekkid and we shot her weekly pics.


(Don't you just wanna kiss that belly????)

Now, for a last bit of Chicklet entertainment--yesterday at lunch, I took a video of the raspberries she's learned to make. Daddy showed her how, and now it's all she wants to do. Like, all the time. Everywhere. And there's oh so much spit. But it's oh so cute. And this video is even cuter because the classical music from the restaurant is featured predominantly and is just so uber silly set to her funny faces. I LOVE.

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

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