Sunday, September 28, 2014

Oh, Bugger

See this rambunctious cutie pie who just loves the outdoors???

Well, we've run into a bit of a snag that's going to make life in general very interesting, and life outdoors very very interesting.

Practically overnight and out of nowhere, Chica's developed a major fear of bugs--both real and perceived.

Two days ago, at the pond, a dragonfly flew nearby and she started flapping her arms and whimpering while she scooted in the opposite direction.

A few days before that, while playing under her beloved trees in the front yard, she walked through what I can only assume was some remnant spider webbing, then raced down the slope, squealing, and refusing to go near the trees again for the rest of our play time.

Yesterday at dinner, out on a restaurant patio, she spotted a teeny tiny, itty bitty ant on the ground and vaulted from her chair to Mama's, then proceeded to track its progress for the remainder of the meal.

But it's not just real bugs that are, well, bugging her, my friends. Oh no. It's imagined ones, too.

Yesterday, she refused to step out of her room and onto the hardwood floors of the hallway because she thought a fuzzy was a danger.

And last night in the bath, when she spotted a random black speck, she climbed immediately out o' the water--dripping wet and trying her darnedest to make a great bathroom escape.

I guess this means my housecleaning standards are gonna have to rise a few notches, eh???


I sincerely hope it doesn't hamper her outdoor fun. I suppose I'll just have to keep her happy and entertained enough she won't notice anything threatening ;)

Now for some gratuitously adorable pictures of little one, too--who, so far, shows no irrational fear of fuzzies.

Beautiful weekend with my fam, peeps. Hope you all had a lovely one, as well!

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