Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Christmas Consultants

Okay, so I know I keep saying it over and over, but I just can't stand how much fun I'm having with my girlies as we decorate the house for the holidays. Mostly because every tiny item or outing turns into a majorly exciting event. And I really. just. can't. stand. it (have I mentioned that already???).

Joy, peeps. Total joy.

Here's Chica on Friday, totally enamored with one of the electronic candles that will eventually be in the window:

She's wildly obsessed with them. Oh, and that round thing she's sitting by is our new Christmas tree collar! Who knew they existed??? I'm totally pumped about not having to straighten a tree skirt a gazillion times after my tiny tots trample all over it. 

Here's a pic with the tree actually set up inside it:

And here's Chica totally awed by the lights that I strung last night after she was in bed. She was pretty pumped to venture in that room before church and discover them (oh, and those are the wreaths I made for the outside windows!):

And lastly, here's my sweet, sweet baby, totally tuckered out after the weekend. She was a trooper, that one. Happily tagged along on all of our errands and even operated well on short-ish naps :) But I suspect both my girlies will be happy to have a low-key day tomorrow with looong siestas (I hope!).

The holiday hustle and bustle is a total joy, but totally exhausting.

Here's to the upcoming Thanksgiving week, peeps!

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