Friday, November 14, 2014

The Picture That Terrifies Me

Last night, Daddy had to work late, so it was just us girls for a silly spaghetti dinner, and at one point, Chica and I started playing this funny face game we've been doing where we take turns raising our eyebrows at one another.

Naturally, I snapped a pic, and then at bedtime, when I looked at what I'd captured, I giggled...and then nearly bawled my bloody eyes out. Because my beloved firstborn looked about five years older to me.

That's my future, peeps.

Staring silly-faced at me.

My oh my, how they grow in the blink of an eye! And you know what? It's a good thing to get that visual reminder--especially on the tough days--because it makes me appreciate all the moments...good, bad, ugly, and silly.

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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