Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Traveling with small children suuuuuucks the ever-loving life out me like one of those Harry Potter dementors.

If only I had a patronus charm.

Or a wand, for that matter.

Then I could take care of the whole dang business with no trouble at all.


My little buggers (like most) just hate being strapped in for any length of time, and boy is it a freaking pain in the you-know-what to pack up the seemingly endless supply of paraphernalia that goes along with our cute, little bundles of joy.

But...the end destination is always worth it.

And there's some solace in knowing that gazillions of other peeps are traveling on this busiest travel day of the entire year.

Plus--who says you can't have a little pit stop fun along the way???

Happy & Safe Travels, peeps!

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