Tuesday, December 30, 2014

38, 39 Weeks

Do you see this freaking adorable cutie patootie right here???

Well, sometime in the past couple weeks, she turned 38 weeks old...and then 39 weeks old (it tends to happen in that order), but there was a Christmas somewhere in there, and present buying, and wrapping, and cooking, and baking, and eating--oh so much eating--and church services, and family time, and sleeping--not very much of it, but still--and, well, I took her weekly pics but never posted 'em.

Buuuuut...that's lucky for you, 'cause now you get double the pleasure, double the fun (doublemint gum).

Here's 38 weeks (including tot tree topper):

And 39 weeks (including tot tree toppler):

I Just. Can't. Stand. How cute she is.

And I also can't stand that she's now officially been out of my belly longer than she was in it.

(* Pause for a my-baby-is-growing-too fast weepfest.

Okay [sniff], I'm back.)

Now, in honor of her Innie/Outie Anniversary, I'll share some fun facts:

1. My Chicklet is growing like a weed.

2. No, seriously, she's going through a major growth spurt.

3. Like, the kind of growth spurt where she eats table food three times a day and still nurses so much she's sucking the ever-loving life out of me.

4. I've had to start taking iron supplements. No joke.

5. And I also had to buy hydrating eye cream today because the bags under my eyelids have developed their own bags, (that also have bags...you get the idea). Because it's common for 9-month-olds going through a developmental growth spurt and simultaneously go through a sleep regression. And we've got both, peeps. Joy.

6. Have I mentioned my dear Chicklet is sleeping like a newborn (translation: not soundly and not much)?

7. But on the plus side, this major growth spurt means she started babbling in new consonants overnight--like literally. She started two days ago, with--drum roll, please--"Mama." I die. Especially since Chica said "Dada" first.

8. And the other major result of her developmental growth spurt: unassisted standing. The little nugget can get herself upright from a fully seated position (with no furniture help) and hold steady for a decent spell before she topples. I'm so proud. And so scared.

I'm hoping one of these days I'll get some more sleep, but at least this disrupted schedule is happening while the hubby is home from work to assist. 

And he's only once mentioned going back to the office because being a stay-at-home dad is too tough.

(Just kidding.

He's mentioned it twice.)


Happy New Year's Eve, Eve, peeps!

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