Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Day 2014

Let's try a poem, shall we???



Happy, Happy, Ho, Ho, Ho.

Really, Really Food-Filled.

Itty-Bitty Person Smile-Inducing.

Scrumptious (did I mention the food?).


Merry. (Like, very, berry, merry.)

All About The Tast(y) Food.

Sappy, Happy, Joy, Joy.

The End.

Ha. I'm a poet and didn't know it.


It was such a lovely Christmas morning this year with a fantastic, low-key vibe. 

Family arrived later than planned on Christmas Eve (gotta love holiday travel) so it was a late night and then a late Christmas morning, and just a nice, casual environment for the girls to explore the gifts they were blessed with.

Though it's so easy to go overboard, we reined in our gift-giving, as we try to continually do, and I'm so glad, because the girls really had a chance to focus on a few things and really enjoy them without being overwhelmed and overstimulated.

Here are a few highlights from Santa:

A Rapunzel dress for Chica...

And an art easel that I think is coming at just the right time, as she's really getting into drawing...

(Hi, smiley baby.)

And an activity cube for Chicklet...

It's so nice to see them enjoy their own items and enjoy one another's. They dig 'em, and that makes Mama's heart happy :)

And it's so fun that some of the smaller gifts and stocking stuffers didn't even get opened, because the items the girls had were already entertaining them. So now we have things to pull out here and there in the days to come when we need a diversion. Woohoo!

And of course, the best gift was the family time, as always.

A beautiful Christmas with my beautiful family. 


More pics later!

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