Thursday, December 4, 2014

Early 9-Month Checkup

Before Mama took me shopping to model new headbands (whaddya think of the one below...too much or just right, in a flower-instead-of-fruit, Carmen Miranda sort of way???), I had my 9-month checkup, even though I'm barely eight months.

I was super social with the doc, who loves me (no brainer), and I barely cried when I got my shot.

I'm told a lady never tells her weight, but what the hay, here are my stats:

16 pounds, 8.5 ounces (30th percentile)
27 inches long (50th percentile)

Oh, and I have a teeny tiny noggin, like my sister and Mama, so the headband stayed in the store.

I totally rocked that thing, though.


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