Friday, December 19, 2014

The Real Deal Tree

Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away (wait...did I steal that from somewhere??), my hubby gave me a mandate:

Kids = real Christmas tree.

As you might have noticed if you follow along with this here blog, I've made no mention of a real Christmas tree in the two holidays that have passed since Chica was born.

The first year's excuse: she's too young; she'll try to eat it (he bought it).

The second year's excuse: we just moved; I'm pregnant and hormonal and still unpacking, and I'll bite your bloody head off if you ask me to do or buy or decorate one, more friggin' thing (he definitely bought it).

The third year: no excuse is gonna get me out of a real tree--especially with two, beautiful daughters now.

But that's okay, 'cause I'm on board with it now.

So...we took our inaugural trip to buy one this evening (cutting it a little close, I know, but it's been a busy season!), and though we didn't find The One yet, it was a fun first outing.

Hopefully tomorrow we'll find the winner.


P.S. Bear with me as I'm dealing with some technical difficulties with publishing my posts of late. I hope to resolve it sooooooooon.

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