Sunday, January 18, 2015

Fresh Air Games

A couple days ago, I woke, got my Chicklet out of her crib, pushed up the shade, turned off the nightlight, changed her diaper and hauled her out of her room...only to turn back because I thought I'd left the light on.

But, no.


It was no lightbulb.


And I say (nay--type) this with such capital-lettered enthusiasm because it's literally been weeks since we've had any sunny weather!

So it felt extra-special to have a beautiful, sunny weekend, with slightly warmer weather.
Perfect for finally taking down our giant-sized ornaments from our trees outside.

But leave it to Daddy to jazz things up with a few games, like...

Jump Over Child Sitting on Grass With Ornament

Yep. That's my husband.

And, yep. That's my eldest sitting there all chillaxing-like, while he soars overhead.

And, yep, that's my second born watching the whole spectacle.

And now for the next game...

Ornament Bowling

(Daddy bowled the ornaments down the slope in the yard. Chica retrieved. Chicklet tried to make it down the hill fast enough, but no such luck, hehe.)

And, lastly, this is no game, just something that made my soul smile. After helping Daddy to water the pansies in the backyard, Chica leaned down, sniffed, and said, "hi, sweet flowers." I DIE.


I think it's going to get cold and rainy again in a few days, and honestly, I like the cold and dreary in its own way, too, so you won't hear me complain too terribly much.'s been so nice to have a little reprieve :)

Hope you had a good weekend, peeps!

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